Effective Natural Digestive Remedies: Heal Your Gut Naturally - Ted's Q&A

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Acidic Stomach / Beta Glucan

Posted by Anonymous (Anonymous) on 07/13/2011

Hello Ted,

We emailed eachother about 1 1/2 years ago in reference to my son who turned out was very acidic. Just needed to know, (hes flared up again) , once one is alkaline again will the shortness of breath stop cease? Is there a very quick way for one to get a full breath as these episodes continue throughout the day with or without mealtime? I know it is all the gases in his stomach with food fermenting there because he is very constipated. What are your thoughts on liquid oxygen along with the baking soda? He suffers from spastic colon and also the weather has been mosoon like and very hot.

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

Yes, shortness of breath will cease. The idea is the alkaline, such as baking soda, must be taken 30 minutes after meals so he won't have an upset stomach. The constipation is caused by his acidity. That is the simplest remedy, although not the best. You can make the solution to resolve constipation with sea salt and baking soda added together. such as 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda and sea salt. The potassium level is very low and also causes constipation too, which means he is not eating fruits, such as apples. I prefer the potassium citrate form if I want a pure form to relieve it. He must be taking alkaline drinks for a month to resolve the conditions of shortness of breath. Things will improve on second week, he may experiencing a lot of burping if the is acidic after he takes baking soda, it is to be expected for first week. Then, it will get less in the second week.

shortness of breath stop cease?
Yes, if he does not also have asthma. That's another story altogether.

Is there a very quick way for one to get a full breath as these episodes continue throughout the day with or without mealtime?
If he is not particular hungry, baking soda will help get through the day.

I know it is all the gases in his stomach with food fermenting there because he is very constipated.
Get vitamin B complex and apples to help relieve constipation as apples have potassium citrate also.

What are your thoughts on liquid oxygen along with the baking soda?
It helps kill some bacteria, but I believe yogurt will help better, and you must get baking soda after eating.

He suffers from spastic colon and also the weather has been mosoon like and very hot.
Sea salt 1/8 in a cup of water may help some of the cases of spastic but not all, but it will certainly help his runny nose. Get beta glucan 1/2 teaspoon it may resolve some of this, or eat oat bran in morning or anytime. The short chain fatty acid will be create some immune system from beta glucan or oat bran and help his spastic colon or irritable bowel syndrome. He hasn't been eating quality fibers lately, mostly barley, beta glucan and oat bran.


07/14/2011: Anonymous from Anonymous replies: "Thank you Ted, He has been treated for asthma in the past but pulmonary test revealed only shortness of breath and doctors couldnt "trigger asthma" with the tests they gave him. He does get some kind of spasm that mimics asthma and while they attack is occurring he is gasping for air but also burping at the same time. His oxygen level in emergency with these episodes is always good and lung clear also.

07/15/2011: Ted from Bangkok, Thailand replies: "If it is a response like asthma, then take alpha lipoic acid it prevents inflammation of lungs and will help breathing. Some glutatathione precursors helps such as N Acetyl Cystiene or if you prefer gluthatione is ok too. Here is a link, in case you're skeptical here is the link http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15316528

07/15/2011: Anonymous from Anonymous writes: "Dear Ted, Question about Beta Glucan. If one has an already slow digestion with spastic colon constipation, doesn't Beta Glucan slow down digestion because it is an insoluble fiber? I was trying to speed up digestion but cant seem to find the right fiber supplement besides apples and raisins daily.

07/15/2011: Ted from Bangkok, Thailand replies: "To speed the digestion, one solution is fiber, the second is digestive enzymes you take with meals. The beta glucan you can take it meals as a result of digestive enzymes and fiber foods. The B50 b complex can also increase your digestion but also increase your appetite if taken everyday. You can take it whenever your digestive systems are sluggish, with b complex and digestive enzymes best. The other is probiotics to help the intestinal digestion part. The final one is to reduce your constipation by taking sodium bicarbonate after meals 30 minutes about 1/4 teaspoon, is the simplest way to get faster bowel movements. The baking soda is alkaline as act as a soap in the human digestive tract also. If the constipation is really bad, sodium citrate (1/8 teaspoon) and potassium citrate (1/8 teaspoon) after meals work better. Stimulating the digestion with spices also helps, if the stomach can handle it, e.g. cinnamon, clove, thyme, and oregano. If not enough stomach acid betaine HCl is sold in some pharmacy also. This is the easiest plan I can think of.

