Health Benefits of Lecithin: A Versatile Nutrient for Wellness - Ted's Q&A

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Questions for Ted Regarding Lecithin

Posted by Yvette on 09/28/2010

Dear Ted,

The information you have posted on Earthclinic is a godsend. Your remedies have helped with many many problems and I am indebted to you.

I am looking for more specifics about lecithin-- I note you always recommend the granules and wondered if the liquid tablets work as well? If so, how many equal your recommended dose (they are 1.2 g. each)?

Does the lecithin eliminate fatty build-up in the liver, or only prevent more from accumulating? What signs does the body show, if any, when the lecithin is working? I am certain I have fat in my liver from many years of bad eating and would like to reverse the damage if possible.

Thank you for your wisdom and insights!

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

Dear Yvette:

Liquid Lecithin capsules are oil, it won't get out oils in the body. The signs that lecithin is working is lightness and some weight loss, but not belly waist. This means the fat in liver is what causing the weight loss. Alcohol will cause liver cirrhosis. The other is from eating foods high in corn syrup, fructose, sweet fruits, which causes the body to quickly convert them to fatty liver. Weight loss is rapid and quick once a person avoids eating sweet fruits and fructose. Fruits that are allow from my perspective are green apples, but for other fruits, just the fruit extract, without the sugar, red wine extract, and vitamin C. Fructose damages the liver, as do vegetable oils, heated flaxseed, fried foods, and overcooked meats impossible to digest, thus causing constipation, and then they ferment, and more toxins!

Lecithin that is de-oiled or defatted is referred to as granulated lecithin. This tends to remove excessive oils and I have seen weight loss from fatty buildup in liver and this has effect on weight loss to some extent. The oily liquid lecithin has oils, so this may not be helpful in reducing toxic oils. Most of the oils that are causing aging is the polyunsaturated and monounsaturated ones and they tend to build up and destroy the mitochondria inside the cells. They are even more toxic when these vegetable oils are used in cooking as they have low boiling temperature and tend to change chemically to other structures, react with starches and sugar to become chemical causing compounds.

I actually stopped the use of vegetable oils when I was able to get the coconut oil, as they are the only safe oil I know that doesn't damage the liver. In cancer victims nearly everyone is liver toxic, so obviously this is what causes cancer cachexia, but it may lead to acid reflux, and other problems. The blood is simply polluted, blood cells clumped and stacked up abnormally and that can lower oxygen. Oils in lecithin has the same thing, which are the ones found in these capsules.

The human body do need essential fatty acids, but not in the massive amounts we take, and not the frequency that we take. It's just way too much for the body to handle, roughly 10 to 20 times more then the body needs and that causes fatty liver, especially heated vegetable oils found in french fries, biscuits, bakery, fried chicken, etc. Lecithin granulated, defatted removes these bad oils but NOT the liquid lecithin, which contains oils. A lecithin is water soluble, but not those oily capsules. Marketers like to sell these oily lecithin because they cost a lot less and make a lot of profit margin, but it does nothing to health. The best oils is coconut oil and never the partially hydrogenated or hydrogenated coconut oil.

Most coconut oil used for cooking should displace somewhat the bad unsaturated oils that we used in cooking and if you go to any supermarket, just looking at anything with sugar and vegetable oils it is nearly found everywhere in human diets. TO get rid of bad fats we first have to know where they come from and that is vegetable oils. The two oils that don't damage our liver, and they actually examined all those autopsies, turns out to be coconut oil and lard. Now lard may make you fat, but it doesn't kill the liver as do fish oil, flaxseed oil, vegetable oils, omega 3, omega 6, avocado oil, etc. These vegetable oils, from nutritional standpoint such as flaxseed are only good if they are cold press and stored in refrigerator and it's shelf life is actually quite short, no heating and is taken directly but not everyday either. Perhaps once a week and just 1/2 to 1 teaspoon. Most fish oils suffer from oxidation rather easily too, so these must be including salmon fish oil be fresh and new and stored in refrigerator.

It is ideally taken once a week at only 500 to 1000 mg. I believe it to be closer to 250 to 500 mg weekly dose as optimum dose, without harming the liver. Our foods are way too much sugar, especially fructose and oils for the body to handle. If i were Dr. Spock from Star Trek, I would characterized the late 20th century and early 21st century to be diets high in sugar, oxidized oil from cooking and denatured protein that can only be partially digested and is in our blood stream, causing our low health. If you look at Pottenger cats, in cooked meats with each succeeding generation, Dr. Pottenger found cat's weren't able to reproduce by the fifth generation, and homosexuality to occur in cooked meats on the third generation cats and reproductive difficulty, with decrease in calcium with each succeeding generation, from 17 to 11 to 7% to 4% calcium, until they just become extinct by fifth generation. In fact cooked foods may lead to our early demise. Now If I were the evil New World Order and wishes to reduce human population by 90%, it's a lot easier then making biological warfare. Just promote cooking foods and be sure no fresh foods are available. By the fifth generation, we are pretty much dead since we can no longer reproduce. A cooked meats contain cancer causing chemical when just meats are heated also. I have seen dogs die from cancer from eating cooked foods, but wolf in the wild don't get cancer because their foods are always fresh meats. These cooked meats are denatured meats and this we can get deficient from two amino acid already namely lysine and tryptophan, which has more to do with antibodies (lysine) and T cells (tryptophan).


P.S. Lecithin dose powdered or granulated is about 1 tablespoon a day, empty stomach or with meals are o.k.

Replied by Rosey
Kitchener, Ontario Canada

Hi Ted, I tried the lecithin like you suggested and it did wonders for my blood sugar. I was doing more research on it and found out that I was taking genetically modified bleached lecithin and switched to non-gmo unbleached and saw no effect on my blood sugar (?). Then I received a newsletter with an article on soy and it stated that non-gmo soy is not as bad but that all soy is not good for you. Are soy lecithin granules healthier because it doesn't contain the oil or does it still contain the phyto-estrogenic properties? I'd really like to take it if doesn't cause other problems. Thanks for any input. Rosey

Replied by Timea
Central Ontario, Canada

Hello Ted,

I was diagnosed with fatty liver and would love to take lecithin but not a fan of Soy and usually avoid it as much as I possibly can. Does sunflower lecithin have the same effect as soy lecithin on fatty liver. IS the dosage for sunflower lecithin the same. Does it come in granules like soy lecithin. Your feedback is much appreciated. Warmly, Timea

Replied by Bee
New York

Hi, I buy sunflower Lecithin from a mail order company at a very good price. I know we are not allowed to say names on here so if you can on here send me a note and I will tell you the name of the company... if possible. It does start with an S and its very famous and prices are good. I am happy with their lecithin.. I need to order more myself..

Replied by Terifromttown
Tacoma, Wa

Ted, thanks so much for all your great information. I always look forward to your discussions. I am confused. Lecithin will help remove fats from the body, including Omega 3 and 6 oils or is it fairly discriminate in the process?

Replied by Elaine
New York

Hi! Is sunflower lecithin powdered or granulated as effective for cold sores? What is the best brand to buy? Thanks!

Replied by Nadine
Union Grove
12 posts

I would like to know from Bee the company she buys her sunflower lecithin from. Thank you. Much appreciated. Nadine