Natural Cures for Pyoderma in Dogs - Ted's Q&A

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Posted by Kristin (Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada) on 06/19/2011

Dear Ted,

Our 10 year old chesapeak bay retriever has chronic pyoderma. He used to get it once a year, now it is constant and the antibiotics don't seem to be effective any more. Our last round (the 4th or 5th this year) did not seem to have any effect. Is there a way to cure without antibiotics?

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

Yes, tannic acid mixed with DMSO 70%, and apply the skin. Tannic acid is prepared 5-15%, preferably 10% in the DMSO 70% (which is 30% water and 70% DMSO). It is applied onto a clean dog externally. It works in 15 minutes. This should help, if it doesn't you can add some Lugol's iodine solution mixed into it, say another 10% of the mix.

Some misinformation correction is needed. MMS or sodium chlorite, or hypochlorite, or any chlorine bleach has exactly the same antibiotic effects (or disinfectant) effects as do the Lugol's solution or iodine solution (PVP-I). The only difference is that chlorine disinfectants or MMS has side effects associated with chlorine overdose. Iodine is needed by the humans and provides less side effects and won't cause severe side effects and its cures are more permanent then MMS or chlorine disinfectants. You can test the presence of chlorine in MMS by "activating" with chlorine paper test with citric acid. So use Lugol's iodine when making such a mixture is better.


Replied by Goddaluvme2
Ogden, Ut

Get some Neopredef powder and some Malaseb shampoo and use as directed on the bottles. The Neopredef will help dry and soothe the seeping oozy areas of skin, the shampoo works wonders too!