Ted's Remedies
If you are good in adjusting these basic dosages I have given you, thrush should actually be completely eliminated. If not good on dosages/frequencies, then the thrush will be reduced but not completely eliminated.
1. Take vinegar and mix 3% H2O2 (food grade hydrogen peroxide) in equal portions. Dilute it by tripling the amount of water. This is a weak solution, you can make it stronger/weaker later, depending on how well it works.
You can make any amount of starting base, but you won't take all of it anyway. So assuming a starting base 50 cc of ACV, 50 cc of 3% H2O2, and then add 300 cc of water. Your total mix should be about 400 cc.
The solution is fairly diluted to be taken on 1/4 teaspoon. If the solution is too strong, you can dilute it further the original solution as you think it is proper. If you want a more exacting, then add 100 cc of more water if it is too strong. If the solution is too weak, which means the throat conditions were not relieved at all then add an additional 25 cc of ACV and 25 cc of 3% H2O2.
Mouth gargle this solution. Sip slowly down the mouth three times spaced at 15 minutes apart only 1/4 teaspoon. Drink some water after the sip in 3-4 minutes to reduce odor of H2O2. Vary the strength depending on how you respond. This will reduce the Thrush pain. H2O2 will circulate in the blood for 1.5 hour and this will be greatly help. Throat pain of application should greatly reduced within 5 minutes of taking it.
About the H2O2 ACV, remember to drink plenty of water after taking them within minutes. H2O2 smells bad. Or you can try to get use to it FIRST by taking only one sip and take water, before fully jumping into the treatment. It takes some getting used to.
2. You probably know about diets. No milk, no calcium, no white bread, no wheat, no sugar.
3. Take some cilantro or EDTA to remove heavy metals. This will remove the food source of the yeast also. If you have a Herx, then it is confirmed that your body have high toxic metal. The usual dose is to start on a the low side and work yourself up. Start at with small branch of cilantrol (also called chinese parsley) and slowly increase over the course of the month to 1/3 cup.
4. Restore the immune system. Paint iodine on foot -- small 3 inches, but not exceeding one applications for 3 days -MAX! (No limit for how much you take if you are on Kelp! Natural sources are always the best - you don't even have to worry about the overdose!) Also take 20,000 I.U. of vitamin D2 or D3 for about 30 days.
5. Restoring the intestinal gut. Take probiotics to restore the intestinal flora and take some fulvic acid along the way.
6. Restoring you natural pH. Take 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda plus 1/2 teaspoon of citric acid. This formula will remove one food source of yeast, namely blood calcium to normal while maintaining stable pH and buffer with the citrates. Restore blood redox to normal by taking 250 mg. of sodium ascorbate every day. Take some boron supplements, about 25-50 mg. every day, if you can find one or make your own by buying some borax powder and only a tiny pinch. This will normalize the hormones and the critical magnesium/calcium balance inhibiting the yeast's food source also.
7. Eat a couple apples every day and chew the seeds. Eat 2-3 apricot seeds everyday. These will restore the nitrilosides necessary to kill the fungus. This is one reason why cows don't get fungus or candida, their nitriloside diets are quite adequate.
You can also reduce the fungus throat formation somewhat by taking a strong green tea several times. It contains tannins and they will inhibit the fungus growth somewhat.
Normal, Illinois USA
How often in a day should this therapy be repeated until the symptoms are gone?"
02/15/2011: Penny from Dorset, Uk replies: "Remedy for thrush: How many days to stay on the protocol you advised, also do you mean 1/4 tsp 3x every 15min, or 1/4tsp once every 15mins and for how many times per day etc , thanks if you can help.
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Washington, Dc
Thanks for this source of info. I'm dealing with a seemingly stubborn case of oral thrush. Starting to improve but still working on it. I used to have what I believe was a mild chronic case - I would often wake up with what seemed like a film of skin sloughing off in the crevice between the inside of my cheek and my upper gum. It was never painful, just slightly annoying. After I discovered earthclinic.com and started working on my alkaline balance a couple of years ago, the thrush disappeared. I noticed it would come back if I ate too many acid-forming foods over a couple of days (say, a wedding weekend), but would correct itself once I got my diet back on track. I also had a couple of painful episodes when I got sick with a cold and got too acidic, but again, as soon as my alkaline balance was back (confirmed by pH testing of urine), the thrush would clear up quickly.
This time is unusual. For the last week I've had the most painful case I can remember, and I don't know what triggered it - I was eating normally, and I haven't felt ill. With the onset of the thrush I concentrated even more on sticking with alkaline foods, and my pH test strips have been dark blue. In the past, thrush did not stick around when my urine pH was testing dark blue, so I came back here for more suggestions.
I haven't prepared the actual "Ted's Remedy" of H2O2 and baking soda with water, but I have been swishing/gargling alternately during the day with H2O2, diluted ACV (the good kind), and Milk of Magnesia. The improvement has been very slow over several days but I'm still having pain in my cheeks/gums. Today I added some baking soda water to the swishing/gargling rotation (and then drank it). I think I will experiment with EV coconut oil - I take a capsule or two a day, but it sounds like a little more internally, and perhaps applying directly to the problem areas, might help.
Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa
Hi Aubergine, I'm not sure if you're aware that the deeper cause of thrush is candida. Thrush is a symptom of candida, just as a yeast infection is as well. Candida can cause a myriad of problems, most of which drs never address this underlying cause. They don't even give it credibility. Anyway, most likely, the reason the thrush doesn't seem to be responding to the dietary changes this time is because its too advanced. And trying to combat the thrush topically will only take care of the superficial symptom but not the underlying cause.
You are going to have to use protocols to help rid candida to see any vital changes. I always steer family and friends to the Body Ecology website because there's so much great information on it- lots of articles on the subject and also lots of recipes to help clear your body and keep the body alkaline. You will learn the importance of fermented food as well, to help replenish the body with good bacteria which will help combat the candida. Just google it and you'll find it.
Also, Bill of Luzon has a whole protocol he worked up to take care of his own candida.
Anyway, I hope this info helps. Best to you, Lisa