Stuttering Remedies - Ted's Q&A

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Stuttering Disappears with Cold or Flu - Why?

Posted by M.A. on 05/26/2009

Hi Ted,

I wish you really all the best. One simple question : why I don't stutter when I have a cold or flu???? It is really a wonderful experience!!!! Is it because of the vocal cord becoming wet from mucous or what?? I tried to find anything out from the medical literature here and there but to no avail!!!! please advice or help me in the research work.. It is really unbeleivable how I can fluently talk whenever I have a flu or cold?? I'm sure it has something to do with the mucus or the wet stuff in the vocal cord but I COULD NOT SCIENTIFICALLY tie it therewith!! Is there anything else you would like to add regarding stuttering other than the material posted in the stuttering page in earthclinic???

Eagerly awiting your reply...All the best Sir and take care.


Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

Dear M.A:

it is a well known fact that whenever a person has a flu the body tries to raise its body temperature and alkalinity to fight of the flu. Whenever the alkalinity is raised, the solubility of heavy metals do not disturb the neural connections where heavy metals are reduced. It is known that free radical heavy metals are hydrophobic, but are fat soluble, or soluble in fat emulsifiers so the body can rid of them easier. However, certain foods, actually nearly all the foods have lead that exceeds the safety limits anyway, which is one of the heavy metals that worsen them. For example, generally speaking a manufacturer of supplements are required only to produce lead below 10 parts per million, while a good safety level of lead that is considered safe should be below 2 parts per million, for the brain to operate optimally. Therefore a small pinch of disodium EDTA in a drinking water three times a day, will help reduce the buildup, as well as granulated lecithin, which makes heavy metal easier to get rid of. The primary work of the disodium EDTA (which reduces calcium allowing more normal nerve impulses) is to reduce the FREE heavy metals which disturbs the neurological problems.

Certain high aspartic and high glutamic acid are excitotoxins, particularly are found in cheese, dairy products, asparagus, tomatoes, MSG, aspartame, Nutrasweet, sugar free chewing gum and the like. Peppermint tends to disturb neural transmission also. Distribution of potassium and magnesium is up whenever a person has a flu in extracellular fluids and therefore, to neutralize this the most common supplements I have used are magnesium and potassium.

The dose of magnesium (without any calcium) is the magnesium chloride or magnesium gluconate 500 mg which protects heavy metal toxicity that is commonly associated with stuttering. The neurological damages when nerves are transmitted occurs for many reasons, high heavy metals, metabolic acidosis, low body temperature, for example. Whenever a person reports reduce stuttering from the flu, besides the alkalinity the body needs to raise, which is helped with 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda with 1/2 teaspoon of potassium bicarbonate in 1 glass of water twice a day, is that higher body temperature increase circulation allowing neural transmission to operate better because of the increase circulation that occurs duringa flu outbreak. Chlorophyll is considered a porphyrins which tends to reduce damages of neurological damages caused by peroxynitrites, which are found whenever the body has low circulation, low body temperature and low oxygen. During a flu outbreak, you have the opposite, which are high circulation, hogh body temperature, and more breathing, and hence more oxygen. With that, you have less stuttering.

