Natural Lung Infection Treatments: Herbal & Homeopathic Guide - Ted's Q&A

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Father with Lung Issues After Bronchitis

Posted by K. on 01/17/2011

Hi Ted,

I got your email address from EarthClinic and was wondering if you could share your expertise on lung issues. My husband came down with bronchitis 3 weeks ago today (Dec 26th). He's been to his doctor twice (a round of antibiotics, an RX for his cough that numbed his throat, albuterol and flovent)...his primary complaint now is productive coughs/excessive phlegm, shortness of breath and when he tries to lay down (even propped up with pillows), he feels like his bronchial tubes are collapsing and he has to sit/stand to catch his breath. Needless to say, he hasn't slept, not more than 30-60 minutes in any 24 hour period. He's exhausted and getting depressed that he doesn't seem to be getting better. He's only left the house for doctor appts and to see my chiropractor (NUCCA) who seems to be doing something to pound the phlegm out. I have given him oil of oregano (which helped me kick my asthma after 35 years) and something called ClearLungs, apple cider vinegar and honey, elderberry...not all at once...I will say that some might have worked had he kept up, but if it doesn't work quickly, he gives up on them.

Anyway, wondering about hydrogen peroxide (I have a 3% bottle from teh pharmacy that only says water as other ingredient and was clear when I poured in a glass of water, no bubbles)...or anything else. Or do we just go with the doctor's recommendation and see a pulmonologist? Ugh. Hope it doesn't get to that.

Thanks so much :)

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

This is the most frequent problems I have for most people who are in hospital beds or long term care patients. Basically the supplements I go through is clove oil, N acetyl Cysteine, lysine, sea salt and carefully monitor to avoid constipation. Hydrogen peroxide 2% mists can clear up the lungs by drying up the lungs. The remedy works in 90% of the cases. There are few cases that don't work, which has a lot to do with the body's low immune issues and overlooked issues of constipation. In which case if immune system is low, a zinc acetate usually 20 mg taken for three of four days should help. This is assuming to additives was added to them, or it doesn't work in general. The body's immune system maybe helped with taking of 1 teaspoon of 1,3 beta glucan (which is extracted from cell walls of yeast).

The clove oil is prepared as a 5% solution, mixed with ethanol alcohol and spray as mists done every 3 hour. A hydrogen peroxide is added just enough to used it completely and keep bottles opened when not in use. This is sprayed every 3 hours. When breathed in it will clear up the bugs causing the phlegm.

As far a sea salt is concerned if blood pressure is not over 140/100 for example. A sea salt is taken to dry the mucus. The dose generally speaking is between 1/4 teaspoon to 1/2 teaspoon in a cup of water. It should dry up the mucus in roughly 10 minutes on the average. But to make it easier to dry it up, 1000 mg of N acetyl Cysteine with lysine 1500 mg is taken every hour for four hours for three days should help clear up some immune issues. A vitamin C is taken at 500 mg every hour for 12 hours for two days, should help also.

Finally, an irritation of lungs may be one of the causes of excessive phlegm, in which case 500 mg of vitamin B3 niacinamide is taken three for four times a day. In case they happen to make one sleepy then it is taken just during the evening hours and before sleep. It is antifungal and hence reduces lining irritations.

As a way to raise the body's immune system it is necessary to take 1/2 teaspoon of lysine with 1/8 teaspoon of N acetyl Cysteine (after taking 1/4 to 1/2 sea salt about 30 minutes before). it is then taken hourly for four hours. On the fourth our, the body should be less stress and the person should be easier to sleep by the fourth dose. If this is taken for at least 3 to 4 days should generally be sufficient, if not continue the dose.

