Magnesium Tablets Heplful for Stones?
Posted by Rob (Cincinnati, Ohio) on 03/20/2008
olive oil and lemon juice. I have had stones for 20 yrs ranging from 2mm - 5mm. er with iv and pain med passed 2mm stone, had surgery to get rid of 5mm stone now i got a 4mm stone in the lower part of kidney. i tryed oil and lemon juice all it did for me was made me sick.i did notice a very small blood red partical in strainer about size of pin head then a couple times very small black specks in strainer pain in scrodum gone but burning sensation in my back has started. i drink homemade lemon aid and take a shot glass full of real lemon juice every couple hours.dont know if it`s helping or not.does magn tabs help? anyone who can help can email me at [email protected] i feel for everyone on here with stones cause i know your pain thanks