Natural Remedies for Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) - Ted's Q&A

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Epstein Barr Virus for 19 Years, Wbc Always Low

Posted by Sfc (Texas, Ca) on 09/04/2010

Hi Ted,

I have been dealing with Epstein Bar since I was 13 years old. In addition, the doctors think I have another virus but they are not sure what. I am 32 years old now and my WBC is always low. I do not have energy and wonder what you would recommend to improve my overal health? PS Do you think alkaline water machine really work?

Replied by L.
Red Deer, Alberta Canada

After almost 2 decades of dealing with fatigue, pain, and more, I've had the very best results from a high PH natural diet, basic supplements of Vitamin B Complex, Vit C, D, E, some aminos, and the following:

I measure my Urine and Saliva PH, and take the alkalizing drink. I have used peroxide, borax, and methylene blue, and Vit C to this drink. After over four years I've recently switched to MMS. There is a new protocol where you take 3 drops, activated, every hour for 8 hours. Also, I started Colodial Silver.

More information can be found on or just type in MMS, or Jim Humble. That has helped my WBC, and energy the most. As to the $4,000 alkalizing machine, mine is sitting in the box, hopefully, I can sell it. My protocol makes this machine unnecessary, and the upkeep is expensive.

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

Dear Sfc:

White blood cells is what reduces the Epstein Barr Virus down, mostly from the lysine and threonine, with some glutamine. The white blood cells may further be less destroyed, with the addition of taurine, as it tends to protect them against osomolyte imbalances, which is important in granulocytes, which is also involved with the immune system. The dose for the amino acid is lysine 1000 mg take five times a day, threonine at least 1000 mg once a day, and glutamine 1000 mg five times a day. A weekly dose of 25 mg of zinc gluconate, or zinc acetate should further help. Usually it takes about 3 days to reduce the viral count to 90% on the average and the condition should generally get noticeably better before the week is out. Usually WBC is linked with high viral counts. If this remedy isn't working, perhaps the T cells are low, and then tryptophan is taken at 250 mg once or twice a day. The dose of lysine should generally be reduce to just twice a day once the condition is better, while the other supplements can be taken now and then, depending on the condition. Ted

Replied by Debbi

Has anyone tried this remedy for EBV? does it help?

Replied by Martin
Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Hello, Thanks for having this website and I'm really sorry about Ted. I do not know what his condition is today but I would love to learn. I only found Earth clinic tonight, as I was doing a search for Epstein-Barr virus, in particular multiple sclerosis and the Google search turned me to this website. Since L., Lives/lived in red deer, Alberta, Canada we are about an hour apart and to be able to communicate with her and hear some of her experiences would be highly informative. Thanks

Replied by Ana
Houston, Texas
2 posts

I hope you get this message. I have a grown son who had a bout of MS between ages of 5 and 10. Very long story, but it just so happens I have found a recent article in Science 2022, it explains EBV and MS. They did research on a military base or somewhat like that and followed these soldiers for years. Hope you can find it.

