15 Natural Remedies for Edema: Reduce Swelling & Fluid Retention - Ted's Q&A

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Cabbage Leaves for Edema?

Posted by Angel (Iuka, MS) on 10/09/2006

Boiled cabbage leaves applied to breast then covered with plastic wrapleft overnight. This was done for 3 nights.This cured postoperative hematoma. After a lumpectomy a hematoma formed, causingswelling and pain. The cabbage leaves drew the old blood through theinscision.Can cabbage leaves be used to relieve edema? Does anyone know any other remedies for edema?

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

Dear Angel: Solving the edema problem is to find what is causing the edema. Then once you know, we walk backwards or do the opposite. It sounds difficult but it is not.

Assuming I want to make myself get A TERRIBLE CASE OF EDEMA, here is what I would do:

1. Eat potato chips three times a day. Follow this with drinking plenty of coke.
2. Eat salted french fries between meals.
3. Eat as much as possible before going to sleep. Make sure I am really stuffed, with hard food, like roast beef, chicken chow mein, caviar, and other rich oily food with plenty of sugar added.
4. If I am a health nut, I will eat oily food supplements or fat soluble and take plenty of vitamin A, E, and D, overdoes of evening primrose, fish oil, and other oily supplements.

Therefore, to solve edema, means avoiding rich oily foods, sweet foods, fat soluble supplements, fried foods, and do not eat high calorie food before sleep.

The other thing is to drink liquids that are diuretics, such as unsugared unsweetened tea, black coffee.

It is important not to mix sugar and salt together, when you eat food. One clear example is eating potato chips and coke. Salts and sugar can really add water retention and caused a bad case of edema. Last couple of weeks, I was on a bar b.q. potato binge and coke diet. It was part of my experiment to find the cause of edema. As a result, my water retention went up, my blood pressure went up and I increased two kilograms more weight within only 3 days. So the cause was clearly sugar and salt.

Recently I had one woman who had the opposite problem. She claimed that she had very low blood pressure. Instantly I asked her that she probably do not like to eat salty and sweet foods, which was true, since salts and sugar raises blood pressure. However I have also long known that vinegar and pickled foods tends to dissolve fats. Apparently the woman with low blood pressure eats pickled foods everyday! It easy to figure out. A common homemade recipe for cleaning oven is vinegar. It cuts through grease and thus reduce the congestion.

Therefore, taking apple cider vinegar should help reduce edema. But at the same time, avoid all oily foods, fried foods, foods high in salts and sugar. So never eat salt and sugar together.

Eating food with granulated powdered lecithin about 2 tablespoon takeng along with food will reduce the fat buildup which will also reduce edema. Lecithin is well know fat emulsifier so taking this is like giving your gall bladder a holiday.

Most people think that to reduce blood pressure is to take diuretics. However removing water from the body can be done by both kidneys and the intestines. So diuretics is removing water via the kidney, but removing water via the intestines can be done by taking a tablespoon full of milk of magnesia (magnesium hydroxide) for example, or even just 1 teaspoon of sea salt + 1 teaspoon of baking soda. But this is an extreme example where I need to reduce blood pressures due to dire emergencies.

In nature, there is a sensitive balance of sea salt and bicarbonates that must be present (assuming you are not eating sweets). If the sea salt ratios is much higher than the bicarbonates, as in baking soda, the body retains too much water. On the other hand, if the bicarbonates level is higher to the level of sea salt, the body cannot retain water.

In our present society, sodium bicarbonates and potassium bicarbonates are not stressed at all. There is a certain ratio that must be maintained so that the body does not retain too much water. This is why table salt causes high blood pressure. It has zero bicarbonates, while sea salt has a much higher amount of bicarbonates along with trace minerals. Therefore, avoiding processed foods that uses salt, and avoid home use of any common table salts. Sea salt is o.k.

The other way while I was intrigued with mammalian Ringer's solution", which is basically salts that are needed to keep the living tissues alive in a petri dishes for example. It needs a very specific ratio of salts to bicarbonates. My own rough estimate is 9 parts of sea salt to 1 part of baking soda. Then add this mix 1/4 teaspoon of it to your drinking water of one liter. This water should not cause water retention. The other issue to alkalize. In cases of constipation, high blood pressure is common, and therefore water retention is high. Since constipation is caused by the body absorbing way too much fluids into the body causing this high blood pressure, we must reduce the body's absorption by doing the opposite. Which means alkalizing.

Taking sodium bicarbonate with some potassium bicarbonate for example, usually a safe mix without any ill effect is 80% sodium bicarbonate to 20% potassium bicarbonate. Even if you CAN'T find the the potassium bicarbonate, than just simple baking soda will do. An ordinary body will use up a minimum of 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda per day.

However, most people I have seen metabolise more closer to 1 teaspoon. So we just start with the minimum, taking 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda, taken once before bedtime and once in the morning should not only reduce the constipation, but the blood pressure too as more fluids will now fill the intestines, thus retaining less water, and therefore lowered edema.

Replied by Calista
Zagreb, Croatia

Many feel relief after using cabbage leaves for edema. I'd like to contribute saying; cabbage leaves have significant cooling effect, so if you suffer from cold feet, chills and such, cabbage leaves would not be of much help. Blood vessels constrict when exposed to extra coolness, so fluid can't be drained. One is more likely to experience more chills. (first hand info)

Replied by Ms. Rob
Alexandria, Va

Hi Ted,

I am truly interested in help w/ my edema, I've suffered from it for 6 yrs now. I am trying to keep the GI tract clean, and of course the negative foods; but can you tell me the exact method of ingesting the baking soda?

Replied by Szak

I'm sorry that you are going through this in watching your daughter suffer and feel hopeless. I've been having health issues myseld and every test under the son keeps coming back normal. I wake up shaking as if an earthquake is occuring inside of me and I try to call for my husband and I can't even remember his name. I keep getting reaoccuring UTIs and they don't know why. My kidneys constantly hurt and throb. I drink a lot of water and I'm overall a healthy individual. I just celebrated my 30th birthdayt... I finally came across this and are in the process of doing this... Everything God has created will always work better than anything man has made. This doctor as a neurologist went back to school to learn more about why her son was born with Autism and how she can heal him and she does, he is completely cured. Though this program is not only for that, but you'll see how it's all related. It's called the GAPS diet. Read about it and research it. As for me, this is my only hope at this point because I've tried just about everything.


