Effective Natural Remedies for Managing Diarrhea - Ted's Q&A

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C-dif Help

Posted by Anonymous (Anonymous) on 07/27/2011

My aunt is in the hospital with C-Dif for the second time. She's in isolation. Her body has been through so much, as this is only the latest in a long string of ailments, disorders and diseases that have wreaked havoc on her health and her immune system. She is on oxygen 24/7 and is rarely able to go out other than to visit her doctors, who i believe are party to why she remains so ill. She's always had a contagiously vibrant personality (one simply cannot avoid smiling when in her presence) and to this day, she maintains a positive attitude in spite of everything she's experienced. But i'm concerned that she may not survive the high level of stress under which her body remains for much longer. Until now, she's politely accepted alternative therapy suggestions and gifts of pure and natural products (that were barely used) as a gesture but has not seemed to understand nor shown much interest in learning how non-traditional methods of treatment may help her regain her health. My mom indicated to me a couple of days ago that she (my aunt) may finally be ready to go that route and asked me if i could help her.

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

The cause of clostridium difficile was the widespread use of alcohol hand wash used in hospitals as it eliminates certain beneficial bacteria in check, while c. difficile is resistant against alcohol based hand washing. That leaves them free to spread. There are better alcohol based ones but you can forget what they used in hospitals, they don't kill MRSA and C. difficile. The second issue is the widespread use of certain antibiotics, that leaves beneficial bacterial that without proper controls c. difficile. I won't go to these explanations, doctors may have better qualified to answer that. The other one is the most effective controls of c. difficile is actually ozone and they are phasing that out in hospitals.

So the basic treatment is ozone rectally, and hydrogen peroxide 3% in one or two capfuls per liter of water in all drinking water. Lavender oil rectally and orally (1-2 drops) helps for now. I don't know for sure, but I think that pH alkalinity discourages growth of these things (it will reduce cytoxicity of B toxin at least), so you can try baking soda mixed into the liter of water, say 1/2 teaspoon. You can try both water and alkaline mix and just see the difference. Doctors should know about the optimum growing temperature of C. difficle, and it's not your pH!

I will get back to you if I get more information, pressing things right now.

