Parasite and Worm Remedies - Ted's Q&A

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Remedies Needed for Potential Whip Worm Infestation

Posted by Tasha (Fayetteville, USA) on 05/30/2007

My dog has been itching and I tried the ACV thinking it was dander issues and she had an area on her lower back where the hair was thinning plus she had a lot of shedding and still shedding. Well, I have been giving her some brewer's yeast tabs. olive oil on her food and the ACV spray for a bout a month. Her hair has filled back in she doesn't scratch as much but there is no dander flakes only hundreds of tiny white particles. A friend of mine said it appears to be result of whip worm infestation. Because her dog was the same way mine is now. My baby has never had a problem with worm infestation or fleas. I kept a friends 10 month puppy who died from parvo in April. My dog was up to date on her shots and all. This was back in April. Then my dog got infected with the fleas. I have been researching this site for answers as well as benefitual remedies. ACV baths for her and salt treatments in my carpet have worked. But this whip worm thing now has me stressed. My baby is 6 years old. What recommendations or suggestions or treatments is there for this? MAYDAY S.O.S.

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
391 posts

While I did not do any experiments directly on whipworm, I did try borax and tannic acid solution were quite effective against most parasitic worm eggs, and this is the key to prevent infection or reinfection you are looking at, at least to humans if it was treated on a dog, or on a carpet. A 5% tannic acid solution with saturated solution of borax sprayed over the carpets, floors, and outside, especially on the dirt, grass, and other areas the dogs tend to reside should be more than enough to kill them. It leaves a residue and the continued killing goes on after the solution was applied for sometime. Therefore no rinsing should be considered, to keep the residue there and continue the kill. Dogs tend to lick whatever things you put on, so in effect, it kill the whipworm internally without the need to even feed them with it.

Dog wastes should be disinfected with a higher concentration of tannic acid perhaps 10% and saturated borax solution after cleaning, and I prefer to use a 5% solution with borax saturated for general disinfectants. Of course there are powerful chemical cleanser I can recommend, but most commercial brands are generally not safe and accidents do happen.

This should be more than enough to prevent the eggs from actually surviving and getting reinfected in either dogs or humans. The solution may be applied to the dog, and the tannic acid will cause the drying effect on whipworm eggs, usually denaturing them, while the borax will prevent females from laying more eggs. This is not a cure for whipworm, but to get rid of possible whipworms you see. I would imagine either black walnut hull tincture might be a good one to use against parastic infection for internal purposes to kill the parasitic worms.

One of the interesting aspects of whipworm in babies, is that the babies should they get it accidentally, it caused the babies to be immuned against Crohn's disease or Inflammatory Bowel Disease in the future. In tests they received a 75% decrease in the disease after 12 weeks, which is quite high against Crohn's disease.

This is from recent research findings, on the use of pig whipworm, not the human whipworm, based on observations of third world countries that 100% of the babies get infested with whipworm, but don't get Crohn's disease or IBD. As to the reason why this happens, I have not researched the reason, but the researcher's explaination, were not well explained.

An interesting sidenote is caveman (well preserved Iceman) knew the cure for whipworm using the birch fungus which contains agaric acid and some powerful diarrhea to rid of the blood sucking whipworm.

In other words the cure for Crohn's could be attributable to the worm reducing the body's excess iron, and heavy metals, which can bring on anemia, that resulted in the cure for Crohn's disease. However, I prefer the use of chelators of chlorella, EDTA instead. Conversely, a small amount of EDTA added to the solution would prevent the whipworm from surviving by nutritionally depriving of needed metals by chelating them and might be used in a solution of 1% as an antiseptic for cleaning. The problem about that of course is EDTA might cause discoloration in carpets as it removes color if the solution were left on them, but it can be applied to use as a bathing solution for dogs to kill the whipworm for external purposes.