Remedies for Spinal Cord Injuries - Ted's Q&A

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Treating Paraplegia After Car Accident

Posted by RDL (Anon) on 07/30/2012

I have been meaning to ask you about a paraplegic friend from a car accident 6 years ago. He is getting DMSO injecting into his neck and arms for several months and sits in front of the Perl Rife machine three times a week. Is there something else he can do? Will he be able to regain mobility If the nerves are restored?

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
391 posts

Yes, he can add lithium carbonate or lithium citrate or lithium chloride at 2.5 microgram dosage given at night helps regenerate some of the nerve too. Some do regain mobility, yes, but we are assuming that part of the brain is not dead but due to a peripheral damage. But getting delta sleep may actually prevent nerve damage including to the brain, and we can do this through electrical stimulation, as well as by using sound waves in the background during sleep.

Well the PERL doesn't have electrodes and foot pads, and with electrodes and footpads, you need a BCX ultra (accuracy of frequencies is a must), using the MP program that is labeled 1028 may help heal some bones and may or may not help the nerves, but recent medical literature indicates that the repair of nerve damage requires treatment at 2 hz and 1 mA (milliamps), which has a more direct effect on nerve regeneration, and that means using BCX ultra electrodes and footpads.

You need to use the lower end of the millamps, don't do the high voltage. Anything less then 5 Hz between 1 to max of 5 hz causes a regeneration. I think the optimum is 2 hz. You need something in the order of 2 Hz applied for at least 1 hour.You DO NOT want to get high milliamps such as 4 milliamps, the opposite will occur. It is a fact that to err on low side is often better. As to how long, I think is about 1 hour a day at least. I will use square waves, as opposed to sine waves since stronger frequencies exist at square waves.

There are other frequencies at 20 hz that seem to regenerate the nerves too, using the same method as above, and there are some that look at 7.83, 9.6, and 10 Hz for example.

The problem seems to be that you have to determine which ones are best. But for sure anything below 5 hz will allow for nerve regeneration, so I will try the lower frequencies such as 2 hz for one month and if that doesn't work then I will go for 20 hz for one month. Most biological systems seem to regenerate at lower frequencies at delta sleep (deep sleep) and delta can only be accomplised below the 5 hz threshold.

It is a common knowledge that for autism, we do the lower frequencies to help calm the nerves when we begin neurofeedback, to allow regeneration of nerves, and it takes 20 sessions, but how many sessions of low hertz nerve regeneration is a matter of debate. So it seems the low hertz is the way to go for most regeneration including the nerves.

